VisionPK has been awarded £6,300 to assist them in the running of their VisionPK Sensory Connect Groups.
These groups are safe spaces where people will be able to share practical coping strategies and feel empowered by speaking to others facing similar challenges of living with sight and hearing loss.
These groups will play a crucial role in fostering mental, emotional, and social wellbeing and reducing social isolation
VisionPK supports people living with sight and hearing loss in Perth, Kinross and rural and Highland Perthshire. Their purpose is to provide those people with a specialist service which includes assessment, advice and information, clear communication, emotional support and to provide the necessary equipment that can make their lives easier.
They want people living with sight and hearing loss to retain independence and to be able to live full and fulfilling lives and to contribute to their communities in valuable and meaningful ways.
You can read more about VisionPK on their website here: