The Enchanted Forest Charities Net Four Figure Sums
The Enchanted Forest, Perthshires multi-award winning sound and light show, has presented three charities each with a four figure sum following their successful charity evening opening night this year.
PKAVS (Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Services), Scottish Autism and CHAS were all selected to benefit from this years show through ticket sales for the events opening night. This week they each received a cheque for £2500, bringing the total of charitable donations to a generous £7500.
Graham Brown, chairman of The Enchanted Forest Community Trust that runs The Enchanted Forest, commented:
This was a tremendous year for Highland Perthshire and The Enchanted Forest and we are deeply encouraged by the continued support of our visitors. As a charitable trust it is particularly gratifying that we are in a strong position to give back to the local community and that three charities will directly benefit as a result. It is marvellous to be able to assist PKAVS, Scottish Autism and CHAS in their important fundraising efforts and we hope that they will benefit greatly from the funds raised.
Claire Macdonald, Marketing & Fundraising Assistant at PKAVS commented:
We were delighted to be part of the Enchanted Forest experience this year and loved having the opportunity to take service users from our Carers, Mental Health & Wellbeing and Minority Communities hubs along. We are overwhelmed by the tremendous amount raised and will use these funds to continue our work, enhancing the lives of local people right here in Perth & Kinross.
Karen Wilson, Fundraising Manager for Scottish Autism commented:
We were delighted to be selected as one of the charities to benefit from this event for a second year running. Not only is it a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of our services which support people with autism and their families throughout Scotland, but many of our service users attended the event and very much enjoyed the show.
Alison Rennie, CHAS Fundraiser commented:
Were delighted that CHAS is a recipient of the funds generated by The Enchanted Forests charity evening and they will help us to continue to provide vital support to babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions.
The Enchanted Forest released its visitor numbers for its 2015 show last month confirming it attracted just over 62,000 visitors to the Highland Perthshire area over a 32 night run. The Enchanted Forest has now broken all previous box office records and it is predicted that the events impact on the local tourism economy is now expected to be in the region of £2.75million per annum with over 50% of all visitors to the event choosing to stay overnight in the area on their visit and 90% citing the event as their main reason for visiting the area this Autumn.
The 2015 show FLUX was designed by a creative team led by Derek Allan including Scottish lighting designers Kate Bonney and Simon Hayes, and specially composed and recorded music, and sound effects by RJ McConnell and Jon Beales. Together they created a dazzling and engaging show which celebrates the stunning woodland setting of the event.